Greensboro Refugee Employment Advancement Team
The Greensboro Refugee Employment Advancement Team – GREAT – is a collaborative effort of local refugee-serving agencies. Church World Service Greensboro (CWS), New Arrivals Institute (NAI), Montagnard Dega Association (MDA), and CNNC work together to support low-income refugees and immigrants in finding and retaining stable, family-sustaining employment.
For more information, contact Natacha Nikokeza at
Eligibility Criteria
Low-income immigrant and refugee adults (16+) living in the greater Greensboro area.
GREAT aims to guide and support unemployed and underemployed individuals in our community along a path to family-sustaining employment.
GREAT utilizes a multi-pronged approach:
- Program participants receive one-on-one, culturally relevant assistance in developing an Employment Accessibility Plan.
- Based on the employment plan, participants are enrolled in one of three tracks offered: job preparation, career advancement, and vocational training.
- All tracks include: optional computer literacy classes, vocational case management services, and overseas degree evaluation and translation.
By providing specialized support and empowering program participants, GREAT clients are able to find and retain stable, family-sustaining employment.

“Everything in life is challenging, right? I break things down and help the clients understand how America works.”
-Ghaisha, AmeriCorps member extraordinaire
In her third year with AmeriCorps ACCESS, Ghaisha helps newcomers find jobs. She has built good relationships with many employers in the area and these companies love the strong work ethic refugees and immigrants bring.
Before the employment offer, Ghaisha’s clients learn how to put together a resume, fill out an employment application and dress for an interview. Things are different here than in her client’s home countries. She understands and respects this.