Community Centers Program
The CNNC Community Centers Program at Oakwood Forest and the Community Enrichment Center are committed to ensuring the equitable integration of immigrants and refugees into the community. They focus on education, health, employment, cultural bridging, referrals, and advocacy, providing essential support and resources for newcomers to thrive and participate meaningfully in society.
Contact Info
Contact for Community Enrichment Center: Natacha Nikokeza at 336.334.5466 or
Contact for Oakwood Forest: Allyson Crickenberger at 336-355-8506 or
To make a referral for case management or employment services, please complete our referral form.
Residents of the Oakwood Forest and Community Enrichment Center neighborhoods and the surrounding community.
The two centers, Oakwood Forest and the Community Enrichment Center provide:ESOL classes (group and one-on-one)
Employment readiness sessions, as part of the GREAT program
American cultural and social education
After-school tutoring for K-12 students
Social enrichment activities, field trips and summer programming for youth
Health and safety classes
Forums to educate parents in the complex on issues of safety, health, childcare
Case management services
Weekly visits by Congregational Nurses
Get Involved
- Office supplies: staplers, staples, tape dispensers, scotch tape, whiteboard markers, whiteboard erasers, whiteboard cleaning spray, scissors
- School supplies: calculators, pencils, glue sticks, chalkboard chalk, chalkboard erasers, spiral notebooks, good pencil sharpeners, backpacks
- Art supplies: washable paint, individual Elmer’s glue, craft glitter, white poster board, seasonally oriented crafts, pipe cleaners
- Household items: plastic reusable cups, paper towels, Clorox wipes, disinfectant spray, sponges, dish soap, hand soap, toilet paper, 13-gallon trash bags
- Outside activities: soccer balls, soccer ball pump, sidewalk chalk, jump ropes, Frisbees
- Books: children’s books, young adult (all languages)
- Clothing of all sizes, including new or gently used bathing suits
- Winter clothes
*Our centers are open Monday-Friday 10am-6pm, you may drop off donations at either of our center locations or at own main CNNC office.
- $25 sponsors one month of a child participating in educationally and socially enriching programming, including having a safe place to go after-school and having engaging activities to participate in throughout the summer
- $500 sponsors one month of our two community center sites ensuring immigrant adults who need work have a place to seek assistance in filling out job applications, individuals with chronic conditions can weekly visit a congregational nurse and community health worker, and newcomers who need to improve their English can receive one-on-one tutoring
Each year the majority of the programs and services offered at the centers are coordinated by AmeriCorps Members! The Community Centers partner with two different AmeriCorps programs: 1. ACCESS and 2. the Partnership to End Homelessness.
Find out more about the ACCESS Project and apply.
Annually, the Community Centers Program hosts between 15-30 student interns! Open to undergraduate, and graduate-level students, and non-degree seeking individuals, we accept interested applicants from any background.
Our Community Centers Program is always looking for volunteers! We work with over 600 volunteers every year. We work with individuals and groups of volunteers. Some opportunities include:
- After-school tutoring immigrant and refugee youth
- Building mentoring relationships with newcomer youth and young adults
- Providing much-needed childcare and preschool aged programming for toddlers
- Provide social enrichment programs for youth through boys and girls groups, sports teams and special interest groups
- Beautification projects at the centers including painting, cleaning organizing supplies, etc
- The opportunities are endless!

March 15, 2018
“It is the best thing I could have done. It has opened so many doors.”
Ever wondered what it takes to become a citizen of the United States? Amber can show you. In her role as an AmeriCorps member, she t…

March 14, 2018
“I love AmeriCorps. There is always one more thing to change, to make better….”
Edith is a work of heart. Creative, warm and dedicated, she embodies AmeriCorps. For refugee and immigrant families, new to Greensbo…

November 9, 2017
For Win Win
“What my teacher puts on the board, I cannot see.” — Win Win Aye Win Win, a 6th grade student active at the Glen H…
Sponsoring Source
Local university service-learning students, interns, community volunteers, United Way of Greater Greensboro, the Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro, the Weaver Foundation and NC Council for Women.