Our Mission is to strengthen and support the Latino Community in Guilford County by promoting advocacy and education through a collaborative and empowered network.


Kathy Hinshaw at 336.256-1065 or kathy.hinshaw@gmail.com.
Nadia Moreta at latinocommunitycoalitiong@gmail.com.

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Focus AreAs


The Latino Community Coalition is comprised of over 130 professionals who represent the Latino community and who serve the community in different agencies across Guilford County. This initiative operates under the Center for New North Carolinians at the University of North Carolina in Greensboro.

In our efforts to promote advocacy for Latino issues, we partnered with other organizations to host One City One Book events as well as the Immigration Matters Summit. LCCG has also promoted Networking events including LCCG Monthly meetings, Notable Lati-nos of the Triad, and Social Fridays.

Our education efforts have included capacity building trainings including: the Racial Equity-Latino Challenges, Latina Women on Board, and DACA forums.


Center for New North Carolinians

Hispanics in Philanthropy

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