Pride Month Calendar
Pride Month Banner

Erase the Hate x Transgender Day of Visibility | Thurs March 28th, 10a-3p | EUC Commons, EUC Lawn, & the RAWK

Visit OIE, DOS, and other partners both on and off camps for our 2nd annual Erase the Hate x Transgender Day of Visibility. Join us for a chance to learn more info and gather resources, as well as get freebies along the way. Pledge to Erase the Hate by signing the banner at the DOS table and honor our Transgender friends and family by painting the RAWK and participating in a campus wide mosaic!

Erase The Hate Banner

2024 Pride Month Kickoff | Monday April 1st, 11a-2p | Morran Commons

Join OIE, Campus Pride Planning Committee, as well as other partners to kick off our 2024 UNCG Pride Month! Join us for food, fun, music, and more! Participate in a 360-photo booth with pride themed props to create lifelong memories with your friends! Be one of the first 100 students to get a free voucher to the Ice Queen Ice Cream Truck and get first dibs on our annual swag. This year’s swag includes a rainbow cross body, pride month t-shirt, fidget cubes, croc charms, and SO much more (while supplies last). So, plan accordingly, grab your friends, and we will see you there!

2024 Pride Month Banner

Trans Zone | Wednesday, April 2nd, 9:30am-12:30pm | EUC Sharpe

Workshop/training for both Students and Faculty/Staff to learn key concepts, terminology, and engage in activities to improve ways to support our Trans Students throughout campus


University Libraries Queer Cafe | Thursday, April 4th 11am-1pm | Jackson Library Reference Area

Join University Library for a Library Queer Cafe! Have the chance to meet with Queer librarians and library staff while enjoying coffee and light refreshments. Ask questions or come to just hang out!

Library Queer Cafe Banner

LGBTQIA+ Lunch and Learn: Pride Trivia! | Tuesday, April 9th 1pm-2pm | UTLC on College Ave

Join OIE for our last Lunch and Learn of the semester for some Pride Trivia. Enjoy the game via Kahoot, light snacks, and a chance to get exclusive Pride Month Swag including crossbody bag, t-shirt, croc charms, and more! So grab some friends and we will see you there!

Pride Month Trivia Banner

Make Cool Stuff: Crafts for Pride! | Wednesday, April 10th 10am-12pm | Makers Space SOEB

Pride Pool Party x Drag Show | Wednesday, April 11th, 6pm-10pm | Kaplan

Offered as part of UNCG’s Pride Month celebrations, Recreation & Wellness is partnering with Campus Activities & Programs, and the Office of Intercultural Engagement to bring you the party of the year! Join the fun in the pool if you’re up for a fun float around and some in-water games OR stay dry and take in all the activities, food, prizes, and entertainment happening around the Lower Lobby of the pool area (Natatorium). Don’t miss the main event…a LIVE drag show featuring Drag King Landon Cider as seen on Dragula (with a meet & greet following)!  Plus festivities all night long! We’ll have a DJ, free food, giveaways, photo booth, and opportunities to engage with LGBTQ+ supporting agencies from UNCG and the greater Greensboro community. 

Pride Pool Party Banner

Student Safe Zone: So You Want To Be An Ally? | April 18th, 4pm-6pm | EUC Azalea

Student workshop/training to learn key concepts, terminology, and ways to support the LGBTQ+ community throughout campus


LGBTQ+ and Abroad | Tuesday, April 18th, 3:30pm-5:00pm | EUC 062 (OIE)

These workshops allow future study abroad students to explore the intersections of identity and studying abroad. With a panel of students who have previously studied abroad, we will engage in conversation about how LGBTQ identities may be defined differently abroad, how to navigate pronouns abroad and any other questions students have.

Contact Tara Hall ( for more information. 

No Labels Unity Day | Friday, April 19th 10am-4pm | EUC Lawn

No Labels Queer Movie Night! | Friday, April 19th 4pm-6pm | Bryan 160

OIE’s Lavender Graduation | Thursday, April 25th, 10am-12pm | EUC Dail

Are you graduating this May ’24? RSVP for Lavender Graduation today! Lavender Graduation is held each semester for graduating undergraduate and graduate students who identify with the LGBTQ+ community or are active allies! Come and enjoy complimentary breakfast, get a pin, certificate, and cord to wear on graduation day – and be recognized for all of your hard work! 

Contact Hailey Paivanas ( for more information.

Lavender Graduation Banner

Available Anytime

These programs, activities, and experiences are available throughout the month!

LGBTQ+ Fiction Resources

Check out this awesome resource featuring nine pages of LGBTQ+ fiction and graphic novels available for checkout free to you through Jackson Library.

Queer Art and Artists (on display at UNCG’s own Weatherspoon Art Museum)

With Free admission and free parking, UNCG’s Weatherspoon Art Museum is open to the public with updated hours, capacity limitations to encourage social distancing, and increased health and safety procedures.

Queer artists currently on display include:

Also check out the Weatherspoon’s virtual programs!

Queer Films via Kanopy

To access select queer films for free, as well as hundreds of other documentaries, independent films, and classic blockbuster pictures, follow these instructions!

Our Gender and Sexuality Educators have put together interactive movie guides for the following films, available through Kanopy:

  1. Moonlight
  2. Out In The Night

We also suggest these titles:

  1. Paris is Burning (1990)
  2. The Mask You Live In (2015)
  3. The Codes of Gender – 2 parts (2009)
  4. Bad Hair (2013)
  5. XXY (2007)

LGBTQ+ and Abroad

Available anytime

Join students that have studied abroad for a roundtable discussion centered around their experiences as LGBTQ+ and allied students. Students considering or preparing for international travel will get a chance to hear common anticipations before departure, gather insight on life abroad, and understand what it’s like to adjust to life back home as an LGBTQ+ student.

Disrupting Literary Hegemony: Trans and Non-Binary Author Spotlight

Available anytime

The transformative power of literature is undeniable. Books can provide a lifeline or a place of sacred refuge. Yet not all children can readily see themselves reflected in what they read.

In this one-hour Zoom panel, these trans and nonbinary authors discussed their work, their creative process, representation in literature, and the repercussions of J.K. Rowling’s recent transphobic tirades on social media.

Baby How You Feelin’? Celebrating Body Positivity in the Queer Community

Available anytime

In partnership with the UNCG’s Campus Violence Response Center, navigate through this virtual workshop that unpacks and uplifts body positivity in Queer communities. This workshop includes self-guided activities to help you love your body through radical self-love practices!

Through a Queer Lens: Reflection in Bias, Privilege, and Social Norms

Available anytime

Through the use of Project Implicita non-profit organization and collaboration between researchers interested in implicit social cognitionthis activity is meant to help you think critically about bias, privilege, and social norms through a LGBTQ+ lens. 

For more information, an assignment, and questions for reflection, click here!

Privilege for Sale

Available anytime

This interactive activity creates space and opportunity for participants to practice empathy and understanding through an exploration of privileges that relate to queer identities and communities. 

Click here for more information, an assignment, and questions for reflection on “Privilege for Sale”.

First Impressions of Gender Diverse Identities

This activity helps participants begin to reflect on their experiences and socialization around transgender identity and people. Answer the questions as honestly as possible, trying to think about specific ways in which you learned about LGBTQ+ and gender diverse identities and communities.

Click here for more information on this activity, and questions for reflection on “First Impressions of Gender Diverse Identities”.

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