Faculty/Staff Safe Zone Training Dates for Spring 2025 SIGN UP

Safe Zone 1.0 workshop on February 4th from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM in EUC Sharpe

Safe Zone 2.0 workshop on March 18th from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM in EUC Sharpe

Trans Zone Training Dates for Spring 2025 (for both Faculty/Staff and Students, use the links above)

April 8th from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM in EUC Sharpe

“So You Want to be an Ally?” Student Safe Zone Training Dates for Spring 2025SIGN UP

February 20th from 3 PM to 5 PM in EUC Azalea

April 17th from 3 to 5 PM in EUC Azalea.

Trans Zone Training Dates for Spring 2025 (for both Faculty/Staff and Students, use the links above)

April 8th from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM in EUC Sharpe.

SafeZone creates a network of allies who promote a campus environment that is open and welcoming to all LGBTQ+ students, faculty, and staff at UNC Greensboro.

UNC Greensboro offers two Safe Zone models, one for faculty/staff and one for students (Graduate Assistants can choose to participate in either one). We understand that some of you might identify with two or more of these, but encourage you to select the one that best describes your primary role at UNC Greensboro.

UNC Greensboro’s Student Safe Zone Training is called “So You Want to be an Ally?”, and consists of a two-hour workshop. Students may also attend the Trans Zone training after they complete “So You Want to be an Ally?”. Students are then encouraged to expand on their knowledge by engaging in programs offered by the Office of Intercultural Engagement, joining a student organization that belongs to our Intercultural Leadership Council, or considering a student leadership position within our office.

UNC Greensboro’s Faculty/Staff Safe Zone Training consists of three individual 3-hour workshops, titled: Safe Zone 1.0, Safe Zone 2.0, and Trans Zone. Each workshop builds upon knowledge gained from the previous workshop. After completing all three workshops, participants will receive a sticker as an outward display of their commitment to inclusion. Individuals who complete the program and want to become a facilitator have the option to attend an additional 1-hour Train the Trainer workshop with an OIE staff member.

Contact Sarah Yarbrough for further info at smyarbrough@uncg.edu


In addition to our in-person training options, we have also moved content from our three-part faculty/staff model to a Canvas course. Students can also take this Canvas course.

In order to enroll in the course, you will need to log in to Canvas with your UNCG credentials using the link below.

If you have already completed one of Safe Zone 1.0 and/or Safe Zone 2.0, you can take the quizzes associated with those modules and advance to the next. 

You can also find supplementary assignments under the ‘Assignments’ tab on the left-hand sidebar.

Want a Private Training?

If you are looking to schedule a private Safe Zone Workshop for a group of 5 or more, please email smyarbrough@uncg.edu to make your request.

For more information or for disability accommodations, please contact Sarah Yarbrough smyarbrough@edu

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