Now Accepting Applications for Fall 2025


DeadlineApplication DueDecision Available
Early ActionNovember 1stBy January 1st
RegularDecember 1stBy May 1st
Scholarship ConsiderationJanuary 6thFebruary 15th

Application Checklist

Completed online Application
$75 non-refundable application fee
High school transcriptStudents can upload an unofficial copy to their application. If admitted, our office will request an official copy.
Current Individual Education Plan (IEP)

A psychological evaluation (within 2 years of application)
Must include:
Assessment of intellectual/cognitive ability.
Assessment of adaptive behavior measuring areas of conceptual, social, and practical skills.
Assessment of educational achievement in areas of reading, mathematics, and written language.
Three (3) references who have known the student for at least one (1) yearMust include:
One (1) vocational reference (e.g. VR counselor, job coach, employer, supervisor).
One (1) school district reference (e.g. teacher, counselor, transition coordinator, school coach).
One (1) community reference (e.g. pastor, community rec coach, volunteer site, neighbor you are close to).
Most recent individual support planONLY REQUIRED IF you receive services from a human services provider.
OptionalOne (1) support services reference (e.g. case manager, care coordinator, individual support provider).


References will receive a Recommendation Request from The link they receive will be unique to the student’s application. The recommendation form will indicate the applicant is applying to the UNC Greensboro Graduate School since our office uses the same application management system, but their recommendation will be submitted to the ICS Office (Beyond Academics).

Recommendation Letters must include:

  • How the reference knows the applicant
  • How they believe the applicant would benefit from the Beyond Academics program at UNCG in the following areas:
    • Academics
    • Life Planning
    • Career Development


Once applications are received and reviewed by the ICS admissions committee, students are notified by email with additional information about their application status.

If selected, personal meetings will be held with prospective students. Due to the number of applications received, the ICS admissions committee may not meet with every applicant.

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