Susan L. Andreatta

Applied Sociocultural Anthropology
Ph.D., Michigan State University
Project Green Leaf
UNCG Community Gardens
Research Interests
- Environmental Anthropology
- Food and Agriculture Systems
- Medical Anthropology
- Applied Anthropology
- Ethnobotany
Courses Taught
- ATY 113: Engaging Culture
- ATY 362: Methods in Cultural Anthropology
- ATY 424: Applied Anthropology
- ATY 426: Food and Culture in a Global Context
- ATY 450: Environmental Anthropology
- ATY 465: Medical Anthropology
Personal Statement
As an applied sociocultural anthropologist, I am interested in environmental and medical anthropology. I have worked in the Caribbean, Latin America, Southeastern States, Uganda and China. My fieldwork experiences enable me to work with farmers, fishermen, immigrant agricultural laborers, and health care providers. Since arriving at UNCG in 1996 I have been involved in community engaged research. In 2001 I established Project Green Leaf, a University supported program where we have been involved in a number of outreach research projects working with farmers, farmers markets, Community Supported Agriculture arrangements, migrant workers and urban connections to locally grown produce. This work has expanded to working with NC marine fisheries researchers and small-scale fishermen in Carteret County where we developed the first Community Supported Fisheries arrangement, a project that has caught on nationally and internationally. In addition, I co-direct UNCG’s campus gardens where we have 50 raised plant beds for faculty, staff and student use.
- Ferraro, Gary and Andreatta, Susan. 2018. Cultural Anthropology: An Applied Perspective. 11th edition. Belmont, California. Cengage Publishers.
- Andreatta, Susan and Gary Ferraro. 2012 Elements of Culture from an Applied Perspective. 1st edition. Belmont, California. Cengage Publishers.
- Andreatta, Susan; Mia Hoskins; Kalyn Milot, and Liliana Vitale. (Accepted). Practicing Anthropology: Fieldwork at its Best: Community Engagement through a University Campus Garden. Practicing Anthropology.
- Andreatta, Susan and Mia Hoskins. 2022. “Covid-19 Responses and Pivots in the Piedmont Region of North Carolina: A call for Policy Reforms for Small Farmers”. Human Organization. 81(4):316-326.
- Andreatta, Susan. 2022. “Moving from Literature to Dialog to Action: Teaching Degrowth in Anthropology Courses.” Teaching and Learning Anthropology Journal. 4(2):49-68. Accepted in October 2021 for December edition, editors completed in 2022
- Andreatta, Susan, Phaneuf, Victoria; Studebaker, Jennifer; and Parker, John Dempsey 2021. “Practicing Anthropology in the Post-Covid World: How to get Hired and where to Look”. Practicing Anthropology. 43(4):14-18.
- Andreatta, Susan, 2015 “Through the Generations: Victory Gardens for Tomorrow’ Tables.” Journal of Cultural, Agriculture, Food and Environment. (CAFE). 37(1): 107-117.
- Andreatta, Susan. 2011 A Brief Report on the State of U.S. Agriculture and Fisheries. Journal of Cultural, Agriculture, Food and Environment. (CAFE). 33(2):107-116. (view PDF)
- Andreatta, Susan, Nash, Barry and Martin, Gretchen B. 2011 Carteret Catch™: Promoting Local Seafood through Community and Business Partnerships. Human Organization. 70(3):279-288. (view PDF)
- Hu, J., Andreatta, S., Yu, L. & Li, S. 2010 A collaborative international community health nursing clinical experience in China. Home Health Care Management & Practice. 27(7):499-506. (view PDF)
- Andreatta, Susan and Anne Parlier. 2010 “The Political Ecology of Small-Scale Commercial Fishermen in Carteret County, North Carolina.” Human Organization. 69(2):180-191. (view PDF)
- Andreatta, Susan, Misty Rhyne, Nicole Dery. 2008 “Lessons Learned from Advocating CSAs for Low-Income and Food Insecure Households. Southern Rural Sociology. 23(1):1-33. (view PDF)
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