Dr. Anna Agbe-Davies will speak at UNC Greensboro March 15th.

Agbe-Davies Working Flyer
Please plan to attend a talk by our Guest Speaker, Dr. Anna Agbe-Davies. She will be speaking about her work at the Pauli Murray Home in Durham. Here is a link to the webpage honoring Dr. Murray’s accomplishments and her childhood home in Durham.
The talk is March 15th at 6:00 pm in Graham 212 with a reception starting at 5:00 in Graham 423.
Dr. Pauli Murray was the first Black person to earn a Yale Law Degree, founder of the National organization for Women and the first Black person ordained as Episocpal Priest. Dr. Murray also was an advocate for public school desegregation, women’s rights and rights of LGBTQ+.
Dr. Agbe Davies is a historical archaeologist at UNC Chapel Hill and she has partnered with the Pauli Murray Project since 2016 providing archaeological assessment of the property.